"Health to the ocean is health to us". The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been a popular supplement choice for years. But now, researchers and consumers alike are turning their heads toward krill oil—and for a good reason!
Just like fish oil, krill oil is full of omega-3 fatty acids—specifically Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Studies have shown that this combination can help prevent heart attacks and strokes, while also boosting brain function and joint health. However, some experts say that krill oil could offer even more benefits than its fishy cousin.
But what are the differences between the two? If you're trying to decide between krill oil and fish oil, read on.
Differences between krill oil and fish oil.

Here are the main differences between krill oil and fish oil you should know about.
Krill oil has better absorption than fish oil. Krill oil features omega-3 phospholipids that dissolve in stomach fluids and don't create a fishy aftertaste or reflux. Unlike the triglycerides (fat molecules) found in fish oil, which tend to float on the top of stomach fluids. Consuming krill oil is easily utilized by the body and incorporated into cell membranes.
Krill oil contains additional nutrients. Unlike fish oil, krill oil contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin that helps to protect the body from oxidative stress and supports healthy skin, eyesight, weight, and brain health! Fun fact: astaxanthin is also responsible for giving krill oil its reddish hue.
Both oils lower the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides (a type of fat found in the blood that uses energy) while improving HDL (good) cholesterol. These healthy fats also help to prevent blood clots, reducing inflammation and slowing down plaque buildup in arteries.
Krill oil improves brain functions. Both oils are rich sources of omega-3s, which help to sharpen your thinking skills or enhance your athletic performance. But there's one key difference between the two: phospholipids found in krill oil. They act as chemical messengers in the brain to support cognitive function and neuro-regeneration better than fish oil.
Fish oil is more accessible. Though krill oil has similar health benefits as fish oil, it takes longer to produce. Most fish yield around 80% fat; while krill yield only 5%. As a result, the time it takes for krill oil to decompose increases. Once the oil is transformed into a supplement, it can last longer. However, before going through this process, it must be done quickly to prevent oxidation. In order to keep the krill alive, manufacturers must store them in water tanks or frozen. This significantly increases manufacturing costs for krill oil compared to fish oil.